Tuesday, July 6, 2010

She took me again!

Mommy must be very cross with me. She took me to the vet (aka Max the stabby place) again. She told the mean vet lady that I'd been acting "neurotic" and that I was pooping outside the box. So what? I don't like the box, and I especially don't like to share it with Percy. Oh she tried a new covered box, thinking I wanted more privacy, but really I poop outside the box because I don't like my environment to change. And lately, her man-friend has been visiting and I super-don't like him.

He has the audacity to call Percy his "buddy" - whatever. Percy is no one's buddy, he's just so dumb he actually likes humans. When we were at the vet's, I made sure that the vet lady knew I didn't like her so I bit her a few times. Not too hard, where Mommy might spank me, but a pretty firm clinch so she knew I was not happy with the situation.

After I was safely back in my carrier, I heard the vet tell Mommy "Fremont just needs some mood-altering medication to be balanced." Say what??!?! What the heli-copter does that mean??!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you are having a few issues, pesky young brothers can be a real nuisance! Your Mommy just wants things to be right so you can feel happy and use your box ok.

    We cats are very sensitive to change and most of the time, making sure our environment is secure for us helps - keep up with the Pheromone plug ins, if you can, you might need one per room where the cats have access.

    Maybe try having more litter boxes in different types of places? Some cats like a private place, other cats don't mind having a box in an open location. Generally, the rule is one box per cat, then add one more box. Boxes in areas of high human traffic, like doorways can be a stressful place, so it's good to avoid them. Of course we like scrupulously clean litter too. Percy might be secretly ambushing you on the box and that might be causing you to poop outside the box.

    Having some really good totally private sleeping places is something that can really help too. Up high is a place of security and refuge for a cat - it tends to be the less secure cat who will go high up. Putting a bed in a closet or two is a good idea, don't wash cat bedding too often either - we need to smell our own smells it makes us feel more secure.

    We cats bite when we feel threatened and frightened, it's not because we are malicious or anything like that. We are sure your Mummy doesn't spank you but spanking is a big no no for any animal (sorry, but it is) all it teaches us is fear of being punished. Likewise, yelling can really upset us badly - our hearing is much, much more sensitive than human hearing.

    There's a product called Felifriend (same ppl make it as make Feliway the plug in diffuser) - similar principle, except it contains "friendship" pheromones that make us cats believe that a human isn't such a threat. It comes in a spray and humans rub one squirt on their hands/wrists before petting us. Ask the man friend to avoid prolonged eye-contact with you too as that may freak you out. If he can just glance at you, make a long slow blink then look away, that's polite cat language for "hello".

    Maybe your Mom could put some large bowls of water around your home, we cats don't have a big thirst drive like humans, and having more bowls of fresh water helps us drink more and allows our bodies to cope better with stress. We know you like your lovely fountain, but you might drink more frequently if there's say, water in every room when the fountain isn't switched on? This might stop you drinking lots in one go and throwing up because your tum is fulla water (your Mom might like that aspect too hehe)

    Hope you do ok and you and Percy and the man friend can all be good chums together.

    Whicky & His Ape.
