Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kitty Cream = All kinds of good stuff

Sorry I haven't blogged in so long. Mommy hasn't let me anywhere near the computer in forever. She started putting this cream in my ear and for some reason, even though I hate it at the time, I kinda feel better later. Kinda relaxed and happier, even around her man-friend.

But I digress...I have big news to share with you. I'm getting the man-friend in a permanent way - Mommy says that he is going to officially become my daddy and that they're going to the church to make it happen. I would normally be pretty ticked off about this sort of thing, but my new cream tells me to chill and be content. I think this whole thing is why Mommy hasn't let my paws on the keyboard lately. She's been running around like a wet dog recently and acting stressed. Although she had promised me I'd never have to worry about a daddy, here it is in my face.

Aha! I have an idea! Maybe Mommy needs some of my kitty cream stuff in her ear!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Spreading Sunshine

For some reason, I have been feeling really friendly the past few days. I like to call it "spreading sunshine" to my peoples. I'm not sure why, but I seem to be in harmony with my environment and even don't mind seeing Percy prowling around the house. I actually let Mommy rub my tummy, which is typically off limits, the other night when we were snuggling.

Life is good!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

She took me again!

Mommy must be very cross with me. She took me to the vet (aka Max the stabby place) again. She told the mean vet lady that I'd been acting "neurotic" and that I was pooping outside the box. So what? I don't like the box, and I especially don't like to share it with Percy. Oh she tried a new covered box, thinking I wanted more privacy, but really I poop outside the box because I don't like my environment to change. And lately, her man-friend has been visiting and I super-don't like him.

He has the audacity to call Percy his "buddy" - whatever. Percy is no one's buddy, he's just so dumb he actually likes humans. When we were at the vet's, I made sure that the vet lady knew I didn't like her so I bit her a few times. Not too hard, where Mommy might spank me, but a pretty firm clinch so she knew I was not happy with the situation.

After I was safely back in my carrier, I heard the vet tell Mommy "Fremont just needs some mood-altering medication to be balanced." Say what??!?! What the heli-copter does that mean??!!